Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Hiking in the South means you are probably going to run across a snake at times.   I come across maybe 1 snake for every 20 hikes I take.  I think most people are more likely to be bothered by insects than snakes.  (like fire ants) Of the snakes I have encountered only one has been venomous.  It was a Copperhead and it was very non-agressive.  It was laying in the middle of the path, clearly visible, and didn't move an inch as we approached.  I do think that caution is best when it comes to these snakes.

I have read that some snakes will freeze when encountered.  One of the Black Rat Snakes I encountered froze up in a series of kinks.  Kinda weird and kinda cool.  You can see that in the last picture below. All Supplies

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